Many organizations are turning to skilled, experienced project managers for help with their projects, but struggle to find the top tier candidates. Precise People has the answer!
We have over a decade of experience finding suitable candidates to take up project management roles at all levels within a wide spectrum of sectors. Our proven methodology allows us to understand the key attributes that you require in a project management professional and then use our wide selection of tools to identify and pre-screen suitable candidates before submitting a short list for you to interview.
Precise People is a women-owned-operated, boutique contingency recruiting firm based in Alpharetta, Georgia. We focus exclusively on recruiting top-tier project managers.
Our discovery process digs deep to understand your needs so that we can provide the best project manager for your project. As a people-powered organization, we believe that while algorithms are helpful, no algorithm can replace the real-world experience of our team.
We know what to do and how to do it, enabling us to fill your positions with qualified project managers, promptly. By partnering with Precise People for your PM needs, your hiring managers can get back to business while our consultants do the heavy lifting.
Accurate, sharply focused practices and customized assessments enable us to quickly find the perfect fit for your project.
Our team is comprised of former project managers with over a decade of project management and technical staffing and recruiting experience, plus our exclusive focus on project managers translates into top-tier candidates.
These four elements work together to ensure success with the right people, processes, systems, and tools.
Precise People values diversity, inclusiveness, and equal opportunities for all, both as an employer and our role as a firm. As such, we aspire to reflect our diversity values in our internal recruitment procedures as well as our work ethics as a recruiting firm.
We are committed to helping companies promote diversity in the workplace, and we are committed to an inclusive environment that respects all employees.
Let us help your company develop and execute your diversity strategy to stay competitive in today’s workforce!
We help clients across a variety of industries and sectors. We provide top-notch IT project managers for all types of projects including:
Recruitment is a key element to the success of all organizations and in today’s competitive world securing the best talent in a manner that meets the organization’s objectives has never been more important.